Sammy RNAJ
5 min readOct 29, 2024


The Western healthcare system has failed miserably. It has programmed us to believe that either we are ill, or we are not, as if there were no progression from good health to ill health. Modern doctors are not trained to detect imbalances, they are taught to diagnose and medicate diseases — without necessarily probing the actual cause for future prevention. Treatment begins with a whole battery of costly medical tests after we are immobilized with illness.

Ayurveda and TCM teach us that we are part of our environment and that our mental, emotional, and physical condition is part of our whole being. Therefore, seeking to maintain balance and harmony between all aspects is essential for our wellness. We must constantly be mindful and " listen” to our bodies through biofeedback.

We are also programmed to believe that a disease befalls us suddenly, for no obvious cause or reason. Instead of holding us responsible for our well-being. We are treated as if it is beyond our control and we cannot prevent it. (Hello, Big Pharma). This gets us into the habit of pill-for-pain for every minor ailment, depleting our natural autoimmune system.

Ayurveda works its way through 6 stages of the disease:

1st & 2nd stages — Monitoring and recognizing that something irregular is taking place, but has not yet manifested. A case history is recorded.

3rd & 4th stages- When superficial symptoms emerge like headaches, indigestions, and rashes, an Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis provides the clues to the disease, and the patient is taught to contribute towards preventing its progression by regulating the body’s imbalances — with the possibility of reversing it.

5th & 6th stages- When no progress has been made and the disease has progressed, wholesome Ayurvedic treatment is applied. Invigorating massages are provided on request to stimulate the blood flow and immunity system in the body, to combat the disease.

STRESS cannot be underestimated. In the modern world, it is provoked by 2 major causes: emotional and environmental factors. Both can be controlled through natural treatments. The first is through daily deep-breathing meditation or relaxation exercises, and the second is through natural supplements, healthy eating habits, and an improved lifestyle.


Our bodies are built to go to sleep when it gets dark after sunset and rise at sunrise, thereby respecting our body’s natural Circadian Rhythm in function of our environment to avoid disease. Therefore, it is advisable to go to bed by 10 p.m. at the latest, for a full 7–8 hours of sleep, allowing the liver to detox and replenish itself, the endocrinal and hormonal system to restore their cycles, and the digestive and nervous systems to rest. The Endocrine glands release hormones into the bloodstream that travel to all cells throughout the body. The hormones control mood, metabolism, reproduction, growth and development.


Avoiding processed and fast foods is the first step to good health. Replacing refined carbohydrates with complex ones is healthier. Reducing sweet drinks and foods that cause nourish inflammations. Replacing intermittent snacks with fruits. Diversifying our diets with choice and colorful ingredients. To ensure quality control in our food intake, home-prepared meals are the best solution — even if prepared weekly and frozen for use when required.

Avoid the regular refined and cheap seed oils like corn, sunflower, canola, and olive oil. They become poisonous when heated particularly for deep-frying, causing fatty liver disease. The liver is the most important organ in the body. Any malfunction lowers our body’s natural immune system, making us susceptible to disease. High-quality Ghee and cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil are the best healthy options.


“Water is the source of life”. Alkaline spring water is highly recommended, considering that every cell in the body is composed of 70% water. Most of the water today contains pollutants and chemicals, thereby making our cell composition acidic, causing acidity and inflammation, and attracting disease. Spring water is pristine from nature and exposed to the sun and moonlight with Prana, the life force required for a healthy body. This Prana vibration is healing and restores the natural intelligence of our cells to communicate efficiently with one another and function the way they were naturally programmed to.

Tap water makes our cells “dumb”, disorientated, growing uncontrollably, and causing a prevalence of autoimmune dysfunction and terminal diseases. The autoimmune system which is highly intelligent and responsive to attack bacteria, viruses, or pathogens, “forgets” its natural function and ends up attacking the body. For example, Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable disease that affects people differently. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks itself by mistake.


Natural sunlight is indispensable for our bodies, even if it is cloudy outside. Not only for its natural source of Vitamin D but also for the production of all the vital proteins and hormones required by the body.

The circadian rhythm is the body’s natural 24-hour clock. It keeps the body operating in a healthy wake-sleep cycle. It affects many other systems throughout the body. Factors like a consistent sleep and eating pattern, adjust each body’s circadian clock to an optimum. Bad habits and lack of sufficient sunlight disjoint it. It is essential for developing Melatonin, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Its natural levels are highest at night in profound sleep.

· Sunlight assists the brain produce BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), a secreted protein and a member of the Neurotrophin family of growth factors. They provide trophic support for neurons that has an effect on learning and memory and create new cell growth for the nerves.

· Sunlight promotes the development of Serotonin, the body’s hormone that carries messages between nerve cells. It plays a key role in sleep, mood, digestion, healing, bone health, blood clotting, and sexual desire, uplifting one’s mood.

· It reinforces Nitroxide, the stable free radical dilator, which opens up the arteries and prevents HBP.

· It helps create Endorphins, neurotransmitters released by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus in the brain to improve mood, lower stress, alleviate pain, enhancing a sense of well-being. Pleasurable activities such as exercise, eating, and sex, release endorphins.

· It encourages Dopamine production which has a role in controlling sleep, memory, concentration, mood, learning, concentration, and movement, providing feelings of motivation satisfaction, and pleasure.

· It also helps the immune system fight infection by activating the T-cells that are found in the skin to fight infection.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that is practically non-existent in equatorial countries. It increases as one moves further north or south of the Equator.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. If you would like more holistic tips through Ayurveda or TCM, please drop a comment at the bottom of my article on Medium. I can share so much more.

Best of health and well-being!

Sammy RNAJ


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Sammy RNAJ
Sammy RNAJ

Written by Sammy RNAJ

Multicultural world citizen. Liberal & free thinker. Multilingual professional freelancer. Writer, Copywriter, editor, & translator. People-centeted.

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