Let’s start with what the French say, ‘Les gouts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas’, which translates into, ‘Tastes and colors are non-negotiable’. In other words, they are considered as individual as each one of us is.
The English adage, ‘Clothes make a man’ is also true and really means that a man makes a statement through the way he dresses and presents himself.
Therefore, PRESENTATION is the manner and style in which something or someone is displayed. With good taste, matching colors, and a refined disposition, we make an impressive statement. Below are basic guidelines to guide you in setting your own STYLE of clothing and making your individual fashion declaration, thereby creating your own brand.
COLOUR One has either of 2 choices, the monochrome which is a single base color in various graduations of tones and hues. Or the analogous, which is 2 or 3 contrasting yet complimentary colors. With a basic color, one can still create contrast through texture.
FORM Particular outlines that suit one’s physiognomy. For example, a fitted silhouette for a slim and young person, but certainly not for an older or larger person. Fitted trousers for a slim/athletic build but not for a larger or older person.
TEXTURE Contrast is created through textures, and is particularly necessary for a monochrome color, not to make it look bland.
What is style? Style is a fashion, a method, or a technique. A manner by which something is done, for the purpose of presentation. It is done for either of 2 reasons: to be identified or to conform to certain standards or expectations. Adopting a fashion brand is for those lacking in self-assertiveness and identity. They prefer being branded ‘en masse’ rather than standing out.
Royalty for example is least concerned with brands and more with status and tradition. They resort to Couturiers (high-end tailors) and Habilleurs (dressers), who set their trend ‘par rapport’ (in relation) to the status that they represent. A ‘Dresser’ in general, recommends a clothing (and accessory) concept, in the function of a person’s social standing, age, and physiognomy.
By developing our individual style, we evolve into our own unique presentation and identifiable style which becomes synonymous with our personality and perfected over time. This classic (a standard that endures) ‘ensemble’ is PRESENCE.
What is DEMEANOR? The definition is outward behavior or bearing. It is the way and manner in which one presents oneself. It is inevitable without POISE (a graceful and elegant bearing) with the pivotal aspect of good POSTURE. While it exudes confidence, it compliments whatever one is wearing. After all, what are clothes without comfortable movement and animation? That is the purpose for which they are made. There are also social manners in conformity with one’s ‘milieu’, whereby one is expected to be ‘contained’ and not overly exuberant and flamboyant. These mannerisms break or make up all that we have discussed so far. Nothing is more ‘criard’ (outcry) than a clumsy or unrefined person impeccably dressed, adorned with the most expensive accessories, yet loud and uncouth. It becomes the epitome of vulgarity, lacking total ‘finesse’ (refinement). The clothes literally scream “Deception!” Or ideally, “Take me off!”
Have you ever admired anyone in a crowd, regardless of what they are wearing? Their DEMEANOR contributes to their ALLURE in arresting your attention, adding value to their PRESENTATION and unique STYLE.
ALLURE is a distinctive appeal, attraction, or simply glamour. The quality of being powerfully and
mysteriously attractive or fascinating. To achieve allure, one requires a combination of all the above in addition to your dress theme.
With the dynamics of STYLE clearly explained, you can now ask yourself the following questions:
- Where am I in my journey at the moment? Judge yourself objectively.
- Having read so far, how can I improve on each of the above 4P+D? Jot down your recommendations.
- What are my favorite colors?
- Do I prefer a subdued and sophisticated monochromatic scheme or a bubbly and vibrant analogous scheme of clothing?
- Now go to your wardrobe and bring out all your favorite clothes, and your notes. Compare your reality with your aspirations.
- Be creative. Start mixing and matching what you already have. Add to your paper what you really need. Prioritize them in order. Remember, not to go for Brands until you get comfortable and confident with your new collection. But certainly, go for price vs. quality if you’re investing money.
- How does this exercise feel? Good? Then, you’re on track! In doubt, then find out by sending me an email to guide you beyond this point, highlighting your problem.
By the way, what color of paper do you use to jot down all your notes? White? How bland. Pick a color! Yellow is bright, pink is delicate, blue is cool, green is optimistic, or purple is mystical. In short, your favorite color. Add color to your life! Start being stylish with everything you do and you’ll become a focal point of attention. Above all, be comfortable doing it. It must be an extension of your personality to enjoy your new confidence.
My art teacher taught me very early on something that will always remain with me and I shall be forever grateful for, “Analyze whatever you admire or whatever you dislike and always ask yourself WHY, in either case. This will guide you on how to improve yourself and your taste! Emulate the best and keep improving yourself.” This precious wisdom has served me for everything in life. I am sharing it with you now, in the hope you will treasure it the way I have done for 44 years!
You can write and ask me anything you want or even request a particular subject you wish me to cover in my next article.
Sammy RNAJ — sammy.rnaj.writer@gmail.com