Sammy RNAJ
6 min readJan 26, 2024


While I lived in Cotonou, in Benin, West Africa, I had a male housekeeper who took full charge of my residence. It is a part of life living in Africa, to have someone to take care of all the daily house chores, whether male or female.

He was a young communicative, outgoing young man. As I was old enough to be his father, he would approach me whenever I returned home in the evenings to carry on a conversation before withdrawing to his quarters. Although I’d return from work exhausted, I’d indulge him since he required a lot of orientation and guidance in his life in the absence of a father. But whenever he spoke about his fiancé and her mother, he’d get severe stomach cramps. I was very concerned about him, and he would refuse to see my doctor.

In due course, I found out that it all started ever since he met his fiancé’s mother. In Africa, we all know that whether Christian or Muslim, the traditional practice of the occult persists since its manifestations are more impactful than conventional religions.

Although I am Catholic, I encouraged him to watch my daily evening program of Pastor T.B. Joshua from SCOAN, in Nigeria, hoping it would stimulate his thoughts and direct them towards his prospective mother-in-law which would prompt him to ask me questions and I could explain the occult better to him without pointing fingers. He would always choose to withdraw to prepare my dinner at that particular moment. Soon after, he got a severe attack and he could not move for me to take him to the doctor. I asked him if he would like me to pray over him. Although a Moslem, he agreed.

I went into my bedroom and got my SCOAN Anointed Water. As I approached him to bless him with it and pray over him, he instantly jumped like a wild man and fled into the kitchen, shouting and showering me with rejections. He flipped into a different personality refusing to look into my face.

In doubt, whether it was the Anointed Water or a bout of schizophrenia, I took it with me and followed him to the kitchen. He flared up and bluntly told me to take “that thing” away from him immediately, or he would attack me physically. Suddenly, I had a madman alone in the house with me. I started praying loudly, invoking the sign of the Cross and Jesus’ Sanctified Blood and Sacred Heart, and he fled out unto the back terrace, shouting and screaming like a lunatic.

Overwhelmed by such violence and his scaling behavior, an instant of fear gripped me. Instantly I remembered that I had the “key” to save him and fear or doubt will only tempt my faith into weakness and submission, and I may even get possessed myself by his demon. So, “weapon” in hand I followed him and kept spraying him in the name of the Holy Trinity repeatedly and with authority determined to save the both of us. As he fled back into the kitchen, he dropped to the ground. I continued spraying him while praying louder and louder. By now, he was a monster on the ground spinning in wild circles so fast, that I couldn’t see his face. Every time he tried to get up, I’d open the bottle and splash him with it. His eyes went dark, his expression morbid, uttering profanities, insults, and obscenities, non-stop, attempting to raise his voice louder than mine, while I maintained a deeper and stronger authoritative voice. I did not desist for one second.

Soon after, he collapsed on the floor and became silent. I was concerned if this confrontation was over or if it was the demon’s ruse to trick me. While in my field of vision, I retreated little by little to observe him maintaining my repeated prayer and ready to spray him more.

He had gathered so much inhuman force and energy, that he forgot about his stomach pain. I returned to ensure that he was breathing normally. By now, he was still on the floor as if in a deep sleep. I continued my ritual spraying him until there was no longer any reaction. I could not sleep any longer that night, realizing how lucky we both were for the availability of the Anointed Water (although I would have used Saint Bernard’s Cross or my Holy Rosary’s Crucifix as a substitute). Also not realizing that in a split second of fear and hesitation, I could have allowed him to overpower me and that my intuitive reaction and dominance of the situation saved not only me but also himself through an inadvertent exorcism!

It took him quite a while to get up. He asked me why was he on the kitchen floor. I asked him to tell me what he remembers. He could only remember me praying, he saw a bright light or fire in my hands thinking I was going to burn him, he took flight into the kitchen to avoid it for fear it would “devour” him. I just told him that I was just waiting for his return throughout this time and when I did not see him, I went to check on him and found him on the floor. He could remember nothing else! I realized that the demon had left him. He asked to see what I held in my hand, and I showed the Anointed Water to him. He responded it was only water, and I clarified it was Water blessed by T.B. Joshua himself. He declared feeling lighter and “free”. Free from what? Just “free”. What about his severe stomach cramps? No sign. His entire demeanor changed, and he said he wanted to retire to find something to eat and go to bed, mumbling that he didn’t know why he was feeling so exhausted.

I decided that the night would bring some insight and the following morning would provide more revelation.

When he returned the following morning, he was jovial and happy with no pains. He related never having felt so well in a long time. When I asked him for how long? He declared, “Since my fiancé introduced me to her mother!” I was stunned. That was a Divine revelation to him. He added, “I think I should break up with my fiancé because she never stops asking me for money, I am left with nothing every month. I am certain it’s her mother using her to withdraw money from men!” More revealing, I thought. So, what did he intend to do now? He asked for permission to leave my employment to resolve his problems. Not knowing how long it would take, he suggested I find someone else. When did he intend to leave? The same day, if possible. For his sake, I conceded and assisted him financially to resolve all his problems.

I never heard from him since then. I know I did my best for him, and I congratulate myself for being alert, above all, I thank God for having saved him and revealing to him his welfare. He was only 17 or 18 years old. He has his entire life ahead of him. Perhaps, it was his first significant life lesson. I am also grateful that this experience grounded me further in my faith, and confirmed to me the various subtleties of the demonic and that demons exist everywhere and in anyone who leaves an open portal for them to hinge on. Particularly if they are not rooted in their Faith.

Moussa was a Muslim from Mali. He was a very friendly and extroverted person. But he had a strong and lusty penchant for women.

My life experience has taught me that being too outgoing and open, also makes us vulnerable. On a spiritual level, a crafty person will know how and on which weak point to hook a victim easily. Malice is invisible. For those without spiritual insight, it is unidentifiable. Initially, it is always prudent to be reserved, and opening up must be in tandem with those we are interacting with. We have to be spiritually vigilant.

We are born innocently into a world, where the Enemy is waiting for us like a beast targeting its prey. That is the reason we have the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and then Confirmation for revelation and protection. Like St.Padre Pio once declared, “If you could see all the demons in the air, you will not notice the sun shining through!” Life is a constant spiritual warfare. Be alert and strong.

Sammy RNAJ

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Sammy RNAJ
Sammy RNAJ

Written by Sammy RNAJ

Multicultural world citizen. Liberal & free thinker. Multilingual professional freelancer. Writer, Copywriter, editor, & translator. People-centeted.

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