You may call it blasphemy, but that is not my intent. My intent as an educated and enlightened human being is to analyze and question many things that have not worked out according to the principles of religious beliefs, or the values of a civilized society. They are illusionary and deceptive.
After all, having lived a full life at 68, I can write extensively and with authority over this matter. I have paid my dues for my space in this world through blood, sweat, and tears. Consequently, I have the experience and wisdom through the natural sequence of things, to challenge any belief system that has proven itself ineffective. No concealed agenda nor any hidden manifesto is of any importance. I just have the natural responsibility to share my thoughts with a younger generation to make them avoid the lifelong pain and suffering I have been subjected to. Why cause further suffering? Prevention is better than cure.
For those who know me, they know that I am a very spiritual person and blasphemy is not an option. However, if the Lord gave me intellect, reasoning, and free will it is to put it to good use. The best use will be to challenge Him like Job did in the Bible. I know He doesn’t mind because He is above all our turbulence and moods. The more upset we are with Him; He will surely laugh His Head off. Because, when He reveals His Wisdom to us in such situations, we would rather the ground swallow us up than apologize, as He reduces us to our human size.
What has really shuddered me is the explosive liberal trend of abuse towards children in every form and manner from cradle to puberty. It may be shocking, but if it had not always existed clandestinely, it will not have exploded so overtly and with such impunity involving both the lowest and highest echelons of society. Why, even the word pedophilia no longer has any impact! No one can convince me that “the Lord has permitted it as a result of society’s sinfulness or permissiveness”. For all those involved and the majority of Christians, I ask why has the Lord permitted not only the anguish of children but the destruction of a whole new generation.
The Old Testament admonishes declaring that children pay for the sins of their fathers. Yet the Evangelical Christians speak of Generational Curses. Jesus gave several warnings to adults who abuse children. He declared that not a hair of our heads shall perish without the approval of the Lord. It is also said that our names are written in the palm of His Holy Hand. He knew us before we were even born. He knows us by name, the way he names every star in the heavens (and that is a lot!) We should call our biological fathers, Sire because we have only one Father, Who is in heaven. What more personalized service and attention do we require to place our implicit trust, confidence, and hope in the Almighty? We should call Him Father. He so loved the world that He sent us his only Son to save the world. He was crucified, died, and was buried, then rose into heaven in fulfillment of the Scriptures. He was 33, not 3 months or 3 years old. He was in control of His own destiny as the Son of God. Besides, He is the Lamb that went meekly to His slaughter. Yet, how can He permit all this current evil to prevail?
If the world has lost its bearings through much knowledge and pride, isn’t it about time He stepped down from His heavenly throne to judge the living (and the dead?) instead of permitting further deaths and deviant abuses of the innocent? If humanity is promoting death everywhere starting with abortions, the fauna and the flora, the planet as a whole, and it is because Hell has abandoned its abode and has returned to claim the earth, isn’t it high time He at least stopped it?
I haven’t even spoken of my experiences through my own miserable fickle life because they seem so trivial in comparison. All the same, I shall summarize it as follows.
I come from a dysfunctional and abusive home. The endless vortex of evil has been my own mother. A BPD Narcissist. Since infancy, pleasing her was my disease to gain her acknowledgment, persistently faced with rejection. I only shone as myself at school or amongst my selective friends. I lived by the rules at home, at school, and in life. Through my late father, I upheld the highest values. My family was my nucleus. Because of our background, I sacrificed myself to hold it together and protect it. It cost me everything: destitution and a celibate life. My inheritances were fraudulently stolen from me. I valued what I never had: peace and tranquility, contentment with the barest minimum. Now that I have achieved them, I care about nothing else, not even if I have to eat or not, knowing that there are those suffering and far worse off than me. But the price I had to pay for my family, which I valued most, I still ended up being rejected by them. As I was achieving my goal of contentment, their wars became fierce and desperate until the great rupture. That was when peace shone through the rubble.
If I always stood for what is right and correct. I am neither uneducated, stupid nor gullible. Every time I had to defend my rights against them, I was forced into compromise because of the extended family’s interferences, or lack of the means to pursue them and defend my rights. Where is Justice?
1. FORGIVENESS? NEVER. Forgetfulness is human and it is healing. But to refuse to forget is to avoid falling into emotional filial blackmail another time.
2. LOVE? It is ILLUSIONARY on all levels. It is transitory for as long as it lasts. Live the moment to its fullest.
3. VALUES? A load of BS. It is well publicized and promoted, but it is as valuable as tissue paper.
I would rather abide by the following:
1. GOODNESS? Yes, by being SELECTIVE: My soul provokes me when I observe innocence in nature, animals, or children. As well as their depression or desperation.
2. GENTLENESS and kindness? Only WHERE GOODNESS is transparent.
3. GENEROSITY? Charity in abundance.
These are the only immediate pieces of advice that come to my mind.
Reverting back to God. Where is He in this equation? In JOB, the devil took permission to torment Job. The Lord always succumbs to his Advocate’s pleas! Pope Pius 12th confirmed that Satan requested 100 years only to turn humanity against Faith and religion. Jesus conceded! Who are we to protest when Governments and politicians take covert decisions and pass repressive legislations that control our lives, when the Supreme Divine Government does worse? Therefore, atheists are right when they declare that individuality is a right and not a privilege!
I am wondering if we should blindly succumb to the dictates of institutionalized religion, or should we use our own judgment and take conscientious decisions regarding our circumstances, free of all influences?
Sammy RNAJ — — WhatsApp +96170499352