“We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests, it is our duty to follow!”
- From a speech in the House of Commons on 1st March 1848.
- Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount, Lord Palmerston (1784–1865), 19th century British Prime Minister.
“France has no friends, only interests”
- French Président Charles de Gaulle.
“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only its interests”
- President Jimmy Carter.
Global Imperialism started, when the British Empire subjected itself to the United States of America after WW1 through the Versailles Treaty finalized by the US, Britain, and France, on 28/06/1919 in Paris. From 10/01/1920, the new global economic system was introduced at the dawn of the 20th century. The League of Nations was created, responding to the US in priority.
This new economic order was further reinforced by the UN (League of Nations) Monetary and Financial Conference held in New Hampshire, USA, in July 1944 through the Bretton Woods Agreement which in turn led to the creation of the IMF and World Bank (IBRD), and eventually the WTO, IFC, and MIGA.
In August 1971, Richard Nixon severed the US Dollar’s link to gold. In March 1973 at the G-10 summit, 6 members of the EU abandoned the Bretton Woods Agreement with the fixed exchange rate pegged to the Dollar, in favor of the current system of floating rates pegged to gold, tying their currencies jointly, and floating them against the Dollar.
The end of the Cold War brought an end to ideological differences. The collapse of the Soviet Union brought an end to economic aid to important countries such as India. Consequently, a dominant capitalist system emerged, which led to a unipolar world dominated by the United States. Its long-term “security interests” led to the resolution of particular foreign policies supported by its Western allies, with the military component central to further these interests.
“To be an enemy of the US is dangerous. To be a friend of the US is fatal!”
- Henry Kissinger
“In its 247-year history (circa 2023), the US only enjoyed 16 years of peace. We have forced other nations to adopt our American principles.”
- Excerpt from US history.
“Since 2001, the US and its Allies have dropped an average of 46 bombs per day on other countries.”
After WW2 and throughout the Cold War, the US slogan in justifying their foreign, trade, and economic policies was “anti-communism”. After the dismantling of the Soviet Union, the rhetoric conveniently switched to “anti-terrorism”. In the wake of BRICS, Russia and China have become the slanderous targets of government-backed corporate media. Demonizing them is not only a display of weakness but a transparent indication of panic and loss of authority.
The US has over-weaponized the use of these slogans against every country or government that resisted or refused to walk its path. They say there is no smoke without fire. Post-colonialism across the South created the smoke of objection and rejection for the past century. It was repeatedly ignored, suppressed, or covertly eliminated. This spans the globe from Latin America through Africa and Asia Minor, to East Asia. When countries or underground groups organized into radical movements with popular support, the West began listening but maintained their controlling positions obstinately. Sadly, when these groups fanned their flames, instead of adjusting to a changing world, they were matched with radical oppression — again, contrary to democratic principles and a form of counter-terrorism.
Although their objections were based on the democratic principles of freedom of expression and fundamental human rights. Their complaints about the enduring consequences of unfair trade, economic exploitation through loans, and political control were totally ignored. They were made to understand that they were neither entitled to their autonomy, nor their decisions regarding their countries, and they had to follow a US blueprint of global control.
“The world was silent when the South was colonized through repression. The division of the world’s people through political boundaries was a result of conspiratorial colonialists. Independence from colonialism was never a privilege, but a fundamental entitlement. The colonialists were never invited in the first place. The conventions between Western allies are not Divine. They dictate trade restrictions or economic sanctions to serve their own purposes at the cost of many. As we enter an age of transparency, the world requires truth, respect, and equity, free from the primitive carrot-and-stick policy.” — SRNAJ
Borrowing countries do not require any validation since their natural resources are their security and collateral. Otherwise, loans will never be allocated in the first place. Therefore, unacceptable labels such as “poor”, “third world”, “corrupt”, “despotic”, “dictatorships”, “underdeveloped”, etc. are unnecessarily diminishing and abusive. The countries that utilize them are worse off under their glitzy glazed cosmetic surface, which is now gradually eroding and demonstrating their crude reality. After all, they are totally dependent on these client countries for their raw material supplies from energy to warm their homes in winter, to the ingredients in the foods on their tables.
In reality, debts are:
- The financial weaponry of the West.
- Applied through coercive loans with unrealistic and harsh conditions.
- The client state becomes subservient through trade regulations, and privatization targeting key infrastructures.
- Self-deleting through a progressive decimation of the client’s economy.
This is undemocratic and not capitalist in nature. It is mere subjugation or even plain enslavement.
Default represents:
- Global condemnation through sponsored propaganda.
- Destitution through loss of sovereignty.
- Exclusion from strategic conferences.
- Unilaterally imposed sanctions.
- Economic blockades.
- Trade embargos.
- Creation of food shortages.
- Denying medications, or life-saving medical equipment, causing massive deaths.
- Creation of social unrest and violence.
- Selection or endorsement of country leaders.
- Destruction of the social fabric.
- Fracturing the family nucleus.
- Suffering of the defenseless majority: infants, elderly, and disabled, through devaluation and consequent economic hardships.
Is this the West’s definition of democracy? A collective form of punishment in the hope that people will rise against their leaders and topple their government as their only hope to improve their lives?
This is rather the definition of gang politics. A form of economic terrorism. A glossy form of mafia-styled gangsterism. When the crime is caused by a government, it is unequivocally a crime against humanity.
Obviously, their own population must be gullible enough to swallow whatever their state-controlled corporate media feeds them with, without first digesting it.
“They do not go to poor countries to make them rich. They rather go to rich countries to make them poor!”
“These countries are not under-developed. These countries are rather over-exploited!”
- Abby Martin, Reporter.
“Their inflexible financial institutions report only to the US. They are meant to create economic imbalances and socio-economic crises in such countries.”
- Independent Reporter.
“How many times has China been at war with anyone since 1979? None. We (USA) have always remained at war!”
- President Jimmy Carter
To be continued under the title: GLOBAL IMPERIALISM …2/2
Sammy RNAJ — — WhatsApp +96170499352.