Sammy RNAJ
6 min readOct 23, 2024


“It is easier to manipulate the mind of others than to avoid doing so.” Joosh Meerloo, (14/03/1903–17/11/1976), was a Dutch doctor of science and psychoanalyst.

“In a sectarian society where the Divine is intellectualized and all humans are gods in themselves, there is no limit to the expanse of evil.” SRNAJ (1955-)

The idea of “human engineering”, also known as mind control, or thought control, first came into prominence between 1936–1938 in Russia, during Stalin’s purge of the Communist Party. It was further reinforced in 1948 in Hungary, during the persecution and prosecution of Cardinal Jozsef Mindszlenty. It evolved into the technique of brainwashing by 1950, under Mao Tse-Tung in China., turning people into mindless automatons, or human robots, a literal translation from Mandarin, “Xi” (wash), and “Nao” (brain).

The battle among the nations has always been for superiority, economics, power, and control. In the absence of war, technology takes precedence through consistent innovation and development. Post WW2 and during the Cold War, the US became obsessed with technological superiority and heightened suspicion of mind engineering, embarking on widespread experimentations through the CIA. These included hallucinogens, paralytics, and electroshock therapy. All performed on unsuspecting citizens in the US, Canada, and across the world. Consequently, the CIA triggered the Hippie Revolution in the 1960s.

They led the notorious and abusive MK-Ultra Project from 1953 to 1973. At the Congressional hearings of 1973, it was abruptly halted and most of the evidence was swiftly destroyed by the CIA agents. The few candidates who willingly volunteered for experiments knew nothing about MK-Ultra, nor the extent of damage it would eventually cause them both mentally and physically — without any compensation whatsoever. Some had their families and lives destroyed. They were subjected to extreme psychedelic drugs and emotional and mental abuse.

Does anyone still remember Dolly? She was the female Finn-Dorset sheep and the first mammal that was cloned from an adult somatic cell (05/07/1996–14/02/2003). Following many debates, and rumors that sprang up of human trials, all were rapidly extinguished. No one knows for certain what happened since then, and if there are any current active cloned individuals out there. After all, they are mammals with human brains which may have been the first attempt at Nanotech. After all, the eventual target is to try cloning on humans. That was barely 3 decades ago.

So far, little attention has been allocated to the outcome of Big Tobacco in the media. Perhaps, due to the instantaneous introduction of Vapes, a worse version of electronic cigarettes compounded with the rampant use of the cultural Hookah and its adulterated tobacco. After all, the big boys are multi-billion Dollar businesses and will certainly not fold up quietly, modestly slipping out of the limelight. For the record, they transitioned into Big Food, twice as mean and deadly. This is evident in the rising rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The primary terminal disease spinoffs for them and Big Pharma. After all, they quietly introduced Nanotechnology clandestinely to the FDA, not to include them in the ingredient list on their packaging.

In the first decade of the cellular phone boom, there were many reports of its consequential risks and damages. The “frying” of the human brain, and the dangers of its previous military applications possibly lead to government manipulation and social isolation. Since then, we have moved into 5G, three times more dangerous, and everyone is passively quiet. At the time, Big Business was swift and efficient in quelling any negative propaganda. However, like all substantiated truths, it can be buried for so long, but not forever. Less than four decades later, all the facts have been re-established unequivocally, and they have gone as far as invasive government monitoring and control of global communication, infringing on the privacy of everyone. The historical names of Snowden and Assange are testimony to that. Fortunately, the current generation has taken the initiative to curtail and control their private use.

Have we already forgotten the side effects and scandals surrounding COVID-19 barely a few years ago? We cannot be so fickle to forget so quickly. One cannot exclude that it was perhaps another global-scale attempt at Nanotech that failed miserably because it was too ambitious a scheme. A notoriously obscene relationship between Big Brother, Big Pharma, and Big Business.

Projecting the above reminders is to highlight the stealthy methods used to introduce these revolutionary technologies, covering them up whenever they fail or whenever public resistance is high. They have undoubtedly had some advantages, but looking back retroactively, the pitches used in introducing and promoting them were massively over-rated, diverting attention away from their adverse effects or the government’s eventual intention to manipulate and control.

Nanotech is no exception with the principal pitch focused on health. Given the global health morosity and increasing medical costs, the timing could never have been more appropriate. It raises the opportunity for mass-marketing and least resistance, providing a bright shimmering glimmer of futuristic hope. After public acceptance and Big Brother’s endorsement, will the costs start galloping uncontrollably. The promotion is currently everywhere in the media.

Big Pharma paid influencers and corporate media to promote Ozempic to a gullible public. The timing was perfect, just before exposing a pound of flesh for the summer holidays. Following the publicity, they abruptly slowed the supply due to its “excessive” and “unanticipated” demand. Obviously, to increase prices when their supplies “normalize”. The government bought their idea as the only “cure” for obesity by subsidizing it. Health insurers jumped on the bandwagon.

Like every innovation, Nanotech is no exception. Packaging, marketing, selling, short-supplying creating demand, securing government budgets for research, development, legislation, and eventual subsidization. Little wonder Big Pharma is booming and investing in the expansion of multibillion-dollar projects worldwide. They control the demand and supply and secure Big Brother’s funding for the entire supply chain. Suffice to create a new product with instantaneous results…regardless of the future side effects.

What if, like COVID, the government progressively phases out traditional surgery because it is “over-staffed” and “over-equipped” to enforce Nanotech for mental and physical illnesses and disorders? Big Pharma will certainly achieve total control, and government officials will get economically obese. For that, there is certainly no cure.

In 2020, nanotechnology was an industry worth $121 billion. It has been increasing at a rate of 25% annually representing around $216 billion by 2029. It is declared that 35% of this investment is focused on medical applications. A big boon for Big Pharma and Big Food, who have already adopted this technology into food and medications without being compelled by the FDA to label them in their ingredients. Without government monitoring & control, the public is unaware of what it is ingesting. It is like requesting a country to control and report on its government abuses against its population.

In crime, the money trail is traced. Today it leads to Nanotechnology and its diverse applications. It appears to be the next best boom after the internet, the smartphone, and AI. Everyone is taken up with the euphoria without actually scrutinizing its far-reaching effects or self-education. Anything that enters our last capital reserve, the human Will and body, deserves a long experimental stage, precise information, and a public referendum. Is anyone asking the pertinent question regarding its regulation and control before creating the first Cyborg?

“What a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7. This implies that what someone says or does is not necessarily what he thinks in his heart.

This is food for thought and goes well beyond the pitch of medical advantages.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read this sequel to:

My previous article, NANOTECHNOLOGY (Circa 2024): THE PITCH

Your opinions will be highly appreciated in the comments below.

Sammy RNAJ

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Sammy RNAJ
Sammy RNAJ

Written by Sammy RNAJ

Multicultural world citizen. Liberal & free thinker. Multilingual professional freelancer. Writer, Copywriter, editor, & translator. People-centeted.

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