The American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Richard Feynman introduced the concept of Nanotechnology in 1959, barely one decade after WW2. This term was coined by Norio Taniguchi, a professor at Tokyo Science University, in 1974.
Aristotle once said, “The energy of the mind is the essence of life”, referring to the natural creativity of the mind concerning the conscience. Will nanotechnology and its superpower eventually work for the improvement of humanity?
AI is assisting in nanotechnology, in the same way that neural networks help computers code themselves. Therefore, Nanotechnologies could allow computers to configure themselves. This is a ground-breaking discovery that could change the future of robotics, with an emphasis on medicine and healthcare. Could it be the marketing pitch to obtain acceptance with the least resistance? Perhaps, to conceal more sinister motives by Big Pharma and Big Brother as was the case in Covid-19.
Nanoparticles are one thousand times smaller than a single cell in the body. They are the size of a bacteria or a virus; so small, they flow through the bloodstream without hindrance. This raises the question of whether they can also be inhaled through the air, or ingested orally through drinking water since they are so tiny and biocompatible.
1 millimeter=I,000 micrometer.
1 micrometer=1,000 nanometer.
Microbots act like CPUs, except that they are flexible and move around. They incorporate programmed atoms fixed into position within their structure, created and operated by humans. Nanobots are the microscopic versions of microbots. A new version of liquid-slime bots is also microscopic, but they are soft and malleable, limited by their size but not their unstable shape that slips into tiny spaces and grabs tightly onto their target.
They represent the future of medicine with the initial emphasis on the treatment of serious diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. They are adaptable to the human body by virtue of their size and versatility.
So far, they have been tested on mice and pigs. Since human beings belong to neither of these categories their long-term effects on our health are undeterminable. It is so far unknown whether they are adaptable to all metabolisms, whether certain immunity systems may resist or reject them, or if they are eventually assimilated by the human body, or released in some form or another. More information is required regarding these factors which are pertinent for future development of this technology on humans — if the public approval is solicited.
Apparently, it has already been introduced into refined foods and medications, without necessitating their inclusion on the ingredient labels by the FDA. Is that legal? We may therefore assume that our endorsement is not necessarily required for general medical use. Is that not a matter of concern? We can only consider that it may have been sprayed in the air as insecticides, it is in our soil, and the notion of “farm to fork” becomes more appropriate “from lab to fork”.
This technology uses human DNA to construct the nanobots, also called Nano Origami, because they come in various shapes. Initially in 4 basic shapes which are administered through a CIJ mixer. Its versatility improves its direct delivery through the blood to its destination. The shapes adjust to the targeted organ or cell size. They have a receptor on their surface to probe and target the specific tumor cell, thereby locking unto it. Unlike conventional medication, their target precision requires microdoses, thereby reducing the impact of side effects.
The application of this technology is expected to increase life expectancy to 200, promptly detecting diseases, treating them with surgical precision, and ensuring good health and wellness — safeguarding the metabolism long-term. It also has the potential to restore damaged vision and restoring damaged or degenerated limbs.
Could they have been mass-tested back in 2019 with the introduction of the mRNA Corona vaccines? We know the classic government excuse of an accident at Wuhan, and the outcome of revealing scandals, disastrous health results, and deaths. If there is a future “X” pandemic outbreak before its medical launch, then it shall become obvious that there is another global test run on the loose! The target date for the mass-scale application of Nanotechnology is proposed for 2030.
The proponents of Nanotech speak of its future potential for mankind. By extending its application with AI and expanding human intelligence, transcending into virtual reality.
– Artificial neocortex,
The Nanobots entering the bloodstream cross over the brain barrier into the human mind to read and write one’s thoughts, which are in turn transferred to a wireless cloud. They are equally efficient at altering the brain’s wiring and chemical balance, for the treatment of psychological illnesses and disorders.
This two-way function implies intercepting the human Will at its source and controlling the thought process at its inception without missing a beat. A virtual reality without traceability or responsibility. Considering that 60,000 thoughts a minute cross the human mind, these thoughts are automatically stored in the cloud memory. Through external human control of these nanobots, the cross-breed human Cyborg’s mind becomes an open toolbox. Thus becomes an open source for Mind Engineering and control. Once the mind is controlled, the body follows. In other words, remote-controlled by other humans or Cyborgs.
Big Brother’s renowned control of power, in connivance with Big Pharma’s supplies, and Big Business’ virtual maintenance and support, make for strange bedfellows. Monitoring brain activity at a sub-cellular level indeed transfers power and control to their advantage — not ours. Magnetic resonance imaging controlling the neural activity of the brain, exposes our thoughts before any action. Magnetic nanoparticles convert low-energy electrons in the brain to high-energy electrons becoming the most powerful tool on the planet.
The Nanobots are inserted directly into the grey matter of the brain to enhance direct fusion with the brain’s pathways ensuring that the signals are transmitted faster and more directly, without interruption. Their potential to transform magnetic fields into stimuli activates neurons for the modulation of brain function.
They claim it is less expensive than conventional surgery and replaces the fluorescent dyes used for imaging. According to their recurring practice, once launched and legislated, it abolishes regular surgery for being “bloody”, risky, and costly. Subsequently, increasing prices upwards to line the deep pockets of the supply chain’s Big Players and insurers.
This goes well beyond the pitch of medical advantages. Food for thought.
Thank you for your time in reading this article. The sequel shall be published immediately after, under the following title, NANOTECHNOLOGY (Circa 2024): THE BIG PICTURE.
Please find time to read it to capture the entire picture of this revolutionary technology.
Your opinions will be highly appreciated in the comments below.
Sammy RNAJ
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