Sammy RNAJ
8 min readSep 18, 2023


It is the Science of Energy

What is Pranic Healing (PH)?

Pranic Healing (PH) is eclectic, leading the practitioner to the truth. It is purely based on the ancient science of energy, applying the laws of nature and universal truth. It does not belong to any sect or religion.

Prana was first noted by Hindu scholars nearly three thousand years ago, which is a part of Buddhist Vajrayana energy medicine, and other healing practices such as Tummo. Prana is a Sanskrit word that means “life force”.

In simple terms, it is Energy Healing. It teaches the simple and powerful techniques to channel and increase energy levels, upon which all yoga practices are based.

Master Choa Kok Sui, is the founder of Pranic Healing® and Arhatic Yoga®. He holds an extensive number of professional achievements. His most distinctive accomplishment is the impact he has had on the lives of so many people around the world. “In Ancient times, Pranic Healing® could only be practiced by an elite few. His mission was to develop this very effective healing system, which everyone can learn and practice with wisdom and discipline.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui was born in Cebu, the Philippines, and became a yogi while he was still in his early teens.

Through personal experience over the past 20 years, I confirm that PH can be particularly useful for Christians who want to enrich their faith if only to incorporate its contemplative practices into prayer and meditation.

Focused meditation, imagery through visualization, and being mindful can create a healing environment, providing meaning, purpose, and connection in life. It addresses existential and spiritual questions and benefits mental health.

Zen is short for Zen Buddhism. It is sometimes called a religion and sometimes called a philosophy.

What do these PH terminologies mean?

PRANA — Energy: the “life force,” “vital principle” referring to the manifest energy in the universe that surrounds us, present in both living beings and inanimate objects. It is the principle of vitality. It survives from birth to our “last breath” for eternity, opening a future life. Prana is identified with the self.

PRANAYAMA — Controlled breathing: inhalation, retention, and exhalation. It is known to induce meditative states, reduce stress, and increase lung capacity. The physiological mechanisms by which these practices modulate the human nervous system are gradually being unveiled.

AURA — The emanation surrounding the body of every existing creature and considered an essential part of its existence. This emanation represents the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels forming an energy field around its physical body.

CHAKRAS — In Sanskrit, they literally mean “disks” or “wheels”: the energy centers that connect our aura with our physical and emotional bodies. These centers of constant energy correspond to certain nerve bundles and the position of the vital organs and glands in the body.

To function at their best, the chakras remain open and balanced. These chakras represent centers of emotional/spiritual powers that are essential in interacting with the external physical world, as well as with the spiritual world, and our emotional presence. Theoretically, there are 7 centers in the body.

PHT — Pranic Healing Therapy: the application for minor physical ailments.

PHP — Pranic Healing Psychotherapy: the application for more severe physical, emotional, and psychological traumas or ailments.


The 7 chakras in the body are cleansed through meditation, hand therapy (in contact with the aura, and not direct physical contact), affirmations, and pranayama. There is also chakra distant meditation, similar to traditional meditation for the specific intention of opening and clearing the body’s energy centers.

Purification requires meditation, visualization, and cleansing.

VISUALIZATION — Imagery: the process of producing images in the mind. Visualization includes visual goals, and their purpose or intention. In PH, color, and dialogue activate visuals and remain imprinted more convincingly until their eventual manifestation.

Visualization has a healing impact in alleviating anxiety, stress, and depression, lowering blood pressure, physically reducing pain, and eliminating inflammations which are sometimes psychosomatic. The sense of self-control and well-being is encouraging, providing a positive sense of achievement.

PURIFICATION — Purification has been divided into physical purification and inner purification.

Inner Purification is achieved through Inner Reflection and Firm Resolution. Physical purification includes proper diet, abstinence, physical relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. Physical exercises, meditation, washing hands with salt, and sometimes bathing after therapy, are recommended for PHP.

The Blue Triangle is your psychic (in the mind’s image), garbage can. It is used to extract and disintegrate unwanted habits, vices, and energies from within. The longer an unwanted quality has been accumulating in the system, the longer it takes to discard it.

When and how is PH applied?

PH is a science presented methodically and logically through a procedure that when applied, produces the expected results. It is based on 2 principal laws, through which active healing occurs:

- The law of prana or life energy.

- The law of self-recovery and healing.

Nature has bestowed us with both health and an immune system capable of fighting disease on its own, through mindfulness and wholesome living. Through mindfulness and meditation, we can use Prana to influence, cleanse, and heal energy fields to balance and harmonize our well-being. Our immune system functions best when it is free from emotional stress.

Due to stress and trauma in our daily lives, regular imbalances occur within our energy fields. If left unattended, they create blockages in our internal energies, adversely affecting the organs concerned, which leads to health disturbances and illnesses. PH is proven to be effective in cases of childhood traumas, phobias, stress, anxiety, grief, irritability, hysteria, violence, and depression.

The process of PH & PHP requires preparation by the therapist who advises the patient on personal preparations to be made like resting well, eating earlier, focusing on their ailments, etc.

PH & PHP involve scanning the human aura to detect the imbalances of energies, known as energetic congestion and depletion. It then uses cleansing techniques through non-tactile hand movements, to remove negative and used-up energies. Taking in prana from the air and projecting it into the body through energizing techniques, the flow of energy is improved and strengthens the chakras of the vital organs and glands. Advanced PH, or PHP, applies visualization and color in its methods.

The frequency and duration of treatments vary from case to case. For simple and minor ailments, the healing can be instantaneous or it may take a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days. For chronic cases, however, the healing is progressive and extends over a period of weeks or months, depending on the severity.

Certain natural techniques are applied to cleanse, energize, and balance the body through the chakras. Advanced healing methods include visualizations of colors in the cleansing and energizing procedures.

Acupuncture, on the other hand, deals with minor chakras to restore harmony in the body.

What do we expect after a PH session?

Unexpected emotions may be felt as the energy continues to work its way through all the blockages in the energy body. This may manifest in crying, sleeping more, feeling tired, or feeling a lightness and extremely energized.

The risk of side effects befalls the PH Psychotherapist who either lacks the experience in healing or neglects the procedure of disposing of the patient’s negative energy. The patient on the other hand, only feels a sense of relief. Such side effects present themselves in the form of headaches, a feeling of being on edge, or unjustifiably nervous. However, these effects dissipate over time with regular practice.

There are no negative side effects with PH, only positive benefits that can help the individual’s healing process. According to the opposing argument, people are briefly relieved of symptoms while the disease or underlying cause progresses with vigor.

The Heart Chakra affects a person’s social identity and brings about feelings of love, care, empathy, and endearment. It chiefly governs the functioning of the circulatory system, heart, rib cage, blood, lungs and diaphragm, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands, and thymus gland.

The number of chakras varies depending on the tradition a person follows. In Buddhism, there are four primary chakras. There are usually seven in Hinduism.

The healers say their process can fix anything — from physical pain and health conditions like hypertension, gastritis, migraine, and common cold to psychological issues like low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and even financial and relationship problems.

Relieve stress, calm the mind, relieve anxiety, relieve pain, increase energy, and feel more balanced and grounded. This is a great way to introduce the healing work that we do.

Improve Concentration. Immediately decrease stress and disconnect from negative people & environments.

What are the principal ingredients for a healthy Pranic diet?

o Honey.

o Dates.

o Coconut.

o Winter melon (Ash Gourd) Dates.

o Whole grains and assorted pulse.

o Millet.

o Nuts and seeds.

o Fruits: fresh and sun-dried.

o Fresh vegetables.

Positive pranic foods including whole foods and a plant-based diet, are associated with improved energy and overall good health.

The concept is based on the ancient Indian yogic diet culture of consuming foods that not only nurture the body, but also the mind, and the soul. The eating pattern categorizes foods based on how they affect our vital energy or prana.

To put it simply, this is the process of consuming less food, or none at all, combined with a fair amount of exercise and meditation practice.

Garlic is a powerful medicine when used properly, it stimulates the nervous system. Raw onions are preferable to cooked onions, to assimilate their high organic sulfur compounds. They reduce cholesterol, dissolve inobtrusive blood clots, and lower the risk of heart disease and the risk of strokes. Besides, it is excellent for the digestive system, and in certain individuals, induces sleep.

It is possible to recover from mental health problems, and many people do — especially after accessing support. Your symptoms may return from time to time, but when you’ve discovered which self-care techniques and treatments work best for you, you’re more likely to feel confident in managing them.

How can we make PH pertinent in our daily lives?

By boosting our mental health, and emotional resilience, and purifying our spiritual being, by applying the following daily habits,

o Mindfully identify every external stress, and diffuse it by formulating a solution, however preliminary.

o Demonstrate gratitude for everything, big and small.

o Forgive and develop peace and harmony through social connections.

o Journal daily achievements, however slow or small.

o Express love all around: loved ones, parish, community, leaders, country, and the world at large.

o Select a peaceful personal space to withdraw to for disconnection, meditation, and reflection.

o Conscientiously improve on personal weaknesses, while developing strengths, for overall improvement.

o Practice relaxation and disconnection especially before going to sleep.

o Pursue constructive and productive activity.

o Respond to the 5 senses with enthusiasm.

o Consecrate every act to a noble purpose.

o Make leisure a productive pleasure and pastime, incorporating humor.

o Endeavor to ingest nourishing and natural foods, to nourish the brain, the body, and the soul.

o Drink fresh water or herbal teas regularly to cleanse the mind and body.

o Control reactions to build resilience to a negative environment. Respond, but do not react.

o Disposition to assist, uplift, console, and provide for the less fortunate — not necessarily with money exclusively. Otherwise, according to one’s means.

In achieving the above, we can seek to keep improving them to become more wholesome and



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Sammy RNAJ
Sammy RNAJ

Written by Sammy RNAJ

Multicultural world citizen. Liberal & free thinker. Multilingual professional freelancer. Writer, Copywriter, editor, & translator. People-centeted.

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