Sammy RNAJ
6 min readNov 16, 2023


Evil is an integral part of this world. It is wrongly represented through mainstream religion and family upbringing. It is not the polarized opposite of goodness, and it will certainly not lead anyone into eternal damnation. That which we generate here shall return back to us here. Like an old lady once told me, “Every day will be like a month, and every hour like a day in total isolation and anguish, alone with oneself.”

Out of every degenerate evil, the best comes out in those bearing it. However, condemning evil is essential in exposing and controlling its nefarious and long-term effects. Its victims are compelled to develop an interiorized strength of will and character to break its bondage.

No one chooses to be evil, just as no one chooses to fall prey to it. Usually, those victimized are naïve and the weakest. Their will determines whether they become victims or break their shackles. But no one can overcome it because it is immutable in its predator. Just as there are those who are born with Divine goodness, there are those who are born with diabolic evil. They are like a diamond with innumerable facets that sparkle as they are progressively exposed to the light or a dark, endless, and bottomless pit.

I speak with the authority of 7 decades of experience in bondage of the most noble and principled goodness on one hand, and down the gutters of the worst and most infamous evil I have lived with or witnessed. The former, my paternal lineage; and the latter, my maternal lineage. It was not my choice to be born into such polar opposites, just as it was not my choice to be born into my race, color, or creed. However, these opposites introduced me to the actual duality of life.

Over time I learned that the duality existed in every vice and human quality as well. It is like the revolving earth around the sun, what goes up must come down and that which begins must come to an end, to create a new beginning…and life goes on, with gravity, will, and character holding everything in its place. Since we did not create our bubble, there are inherent laws that govern every soul, and everything returns to its place and reverts to its original condition. Good eventually supersedes bad to start again.

So far, I am only referring to my life experiences through experience and the progression of age. There are no longer any variables to change my mind, but rather a deeper understanding to refine my opinion.

Evil feeds on power and authority. It is totally inobtrusive until it comes into control. It flips and exposes its rich and limitless diversity as it captures its victims and exudes overbearing or persuasive control over them. Such as a spider that traps its victim in its web.

Whenever I have resisted evil, I encountered an insurmountable barrage of it, like a storm in a teacup. It was a worthless and exhaustive effort that took its toll on my health, both mentally and physically. Whenever I countered it with a worse dose of its own poison, I was accused of the most devious, ludicrous, and inconceivable fabrications contrary to my character. If unsuccessful, their final resort was public mockery, to isolate me socially from common friends and acquaintances. Thankfully, neither of those desperate strategies dented or destroyed my image, since the few who knew me well, would defame the sources.

I cannot fathom the macabre creativity of evil for sinking so low. I once thought it was pathological, but my research revealed that it swept across several illnesses collectively, with no delineations.

I tried every strategy short of breaking off every family link. Silence led to their collective and worsening abuses. I tried rejection, it brought me a tormenting solution. The reaction resorted to physical violence. When I chose to take these offenses up legally, with evidence at my disposition, hell broke loose and resulted in unavoidable final hostility- again, with endless verbal abuse.

I realized that all this while, I had been on the defensive in my reactions. It was a weakness in their eyes and brought no end to my torment. I now determined that my final resort was the power of the mind, my willpower, and my strength of character. I resolved to sever all contacts decisively and finally, once and for all. This entailed painful repercussions in family and community circles which eventually dissipated over time, making it less painful eventually.

The question is the outcome of a lost life with incessant battles. True, I lost many battles, but I managed to save myself and my sanity. I finally won the war. Now what? Their offenses are limited to being verbal but with a twist of caution: no more lies and non-abusive. I have proven that the Law is my recourse. The content of these offenses now indicates a certain degree of respect, with occasional praises. It is enough to provide tranquility. However, if peace should prevail, I should pull out my heart from its crib whenever I encounter them or hear them. I remain steadfast in my decision for my own peace and welfare. “Me” comes before “them”. Gone are the days when it was the other way round. I paid a heavy price for that.

Now, they silently endure and pay the price for their past, seeking all conceivable ways, means, and intermediaries to reconcile with me. I remain adamant and indifferent after all they exploited and extorted from me, in terms of health, joy, and peace of mind.

There were many times I reconciled the 3 generations with each other since they all have common evil streaks. Now, their reconciliations never end, with roaring rage as a common denominator, showering each other with abuses that end with extended hostilities. Their turbulent “façon être” serves as my reference and evidence to the community whenever I am asked about my posture.

Going back to the title of my unusual article (which I hope shall be inspiring to others), the ‘noble impact’ is that it has transformed me into a much better and nobler person, acknowledging that I did pay a price for that in many ways. First, I became a source of consolation and advice to many suffering from abuse. I did not hesitate to become their advocate in intense circumstances. Second, I immediately perceive the deception of evil from the first encounter with a person, and I am often invited to provide advice and opinions. So far, I have not been told that I am a poor judge of character, but rather the contrary. Third, my level of tolerance is zero, in the sense that I have become more entrenched in my values and principles.

I am delighted to advocate for any noble cause, particularly for the weak and vulnerable, and most especially children who have no autonomy until the age of consent. For them, I will fight tooth and nail irrevocably.

In the final equation, the generators or evil find themselves alone, either in conflict with those around them, or worse still, in conflict with themselves.

Sammy RNAJ

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Sammy RNAJ
Sammy RNAJ

Written by Sammy RNAJ

Multicultural world citizen. Liberal & free thinker. Multilingual professional freelancer. Writer, Copywriter, editor, & translator. People-centeted.

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