Sammy RNAJ
7 min readOct 14, 2024


TLIG stands for True Life in God. The name was revealed by God for His Message through Vassula Ryden, which was disseminated throughout the world for the past 39 years.

Vassula was an ordinary housewife and grandmother when she was chosen by God as His instrument for our Biblical age of the Great Apostasy — the End of Time. The End of Time implies the end of a period in our history, and not the apocalyptic end of the world. It is for each and every one of us struggling through our mundane lives. She admitted that she had a casual approach to her Greek Orthodox upbringing, despite random indicators in her early childhood. She was distant from God and her Faith. As she repeatedly explains, “Remove my name from the Message and add your name.”

As a loving and nurturing Father, God has no pleasure in permitting His Creation to be destroyed by the Beast’s intercession and our submission to him. Whenever the world is in crisis, He sends us a message of hope and reconciliation from Heaven to amend our ways and avoid a Chastisement. If we do not heed, the evil we have created shall befall us eventually. Either Nature reacts against us to warn us of the impending gloom, or we are allowed to destroy ourselves. By reconciling with Him, He can eliminate the outcome, and if it is too late, alleviate the impact.

Therefore, I strongly implore you to log online and follow Vassula and TLIG’s podcasts on YouTube, and attentively listen to her podcasts directly. You will observe that although she repeatedly carries us through her manifestations to guide and enlighten us, each repetition sheds more light that is pertinent in emulating her experience.

Just as Vassula was instructed through journaling and referencing the Bible, it would be wise of us to read her books, refer to our Bible, and take notes. By the way, she contributes all the proceeds of her books to almost 35 established charity organizations across the world that provide for the impoverished and the needy.


A. INTRODUCTION: My Faith Crisis & TLIG Revelations.

In my consistent search for Divine clarifications, at 69, I was searching for confirmation regarding many spiritual assumptions I was making. Through Divine intervention, I discovered Vassula’s podcasts on 26/09/2024 through YT (YouTube). I was so moved by her messages, I searched for all her podcasts and downloaded them. After the first one, I seized every opportunity to go through the rest, discovering the clarification of all my assumptions. One month later, on 26/10/2024, I came across “R.I.P.” on a podcast of her meeting with the Pope. I thought it was concerning him, but my heart sank when I discovered that it was Vassula who had passed away. I did not realize that she was already over 80, she always looked the same. A sad loss indeed, but her mission continues as the call for repentance and reparation continues. I only wish that I had discovered her earlier. Since then, I religiously repeat her podcasts daily.

B. MESSAGE & MISSION: “Do your best, and I will do the rest!”

The TLIG Mission which started in 1985, became a 4-decade global assignment for Vassula that took her to over 80 countries worldwide. It includes the following highlights:

1. The revival of Christians by re-Christianizing the non-adherents and bringing them back to their Faith.

2. The unification of all the Christian denominations, without necessarily changing their individual practices, by bringing them back to the Lord’s Ordained Church.

3. Unifying the dates for Easter between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

4. Honoring Christmas in its original family and Faith traditions.

5. Creating a multi-religious ecumenical society under One Supreme God through love, respect, and dialogue, without conditional conversions.

C. REVELATION: “God is near you, He loves you!”

In November 1985, her guardian angel introduced himself to her as Daniel, while she was busy with preparations for a dinner invitation. He was followed by God the Father, and then Jesus, Who personally instructed her on her Faith, the Holy Spirit, and our Holy Mother’s role in the plan for Salvation. The Bible was the point of departure with journaling of the daily Revelations. In fact, her handwriting changed as she took down her notes.


Daniel was first to prepare her through an Illumination of Conscience for a few months to bring her closer to God the Father. All the daily mundane sins were revealed to her as God saw them. Habitual sins that appear so benign and irrelevant to everyone, were suddenly very grave and sad. They included failing to be thankful to God and being neglectful towards others.

The Holy Spirit is precious and overwhelming. He cannot enter a heart unless it is emptied and purified. Despite Repentance, Absolution in Confession is a form of Exorcism whereby the Lord, through his cleric, purges the past entirely with any links whatsoever. The outcome is eventually one step higher on the path to Heaven.


After her purification through heartfelt repentance and sobbing daily, God the Father finally revealed Himself to her. She was surprised that He was not at all like the representations made of him across history. He is certainly not old and demanding, nor judgmental and harsh. Listening to Vassula explain it, there are clearly no human words to express His love and affection, concern, and Divine Mercy. I will not risk the injustice of transmitting her unique and personal experience. I will only conclude with one essential detail, He loves the Lord’s Prayer taught to us by His Son, just as He adores our intimacy. Sadly, we never approach him, and we recite His Prayer mechanically, without concentration and emotion.

After sealing her intimacy with God the Father, Jesus appeared to her to patiently instruct and teach Vassula. He equipped her for His Mission teaching her how to develop close intimacy with Him by constantly being aware of His continuous presence and applying the pronoun “We” in whatever she does.


We are in an Apostasy like no other in human history. If we do not amend our ways, the Chastisement shall be alarming and disastrous. If we Will, we can alleviate its impact and outcome by dedicating ourselves to Reconciliation and Reparation. But we can no longer deflect it, because we have persistently overlooked all the 300 Marian Apparitions of the 20th century, with their urgent callings.


Since Mary’s preparation over 100 years ago at Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal, She appeared with Joseph and Jesus as an Infant in Joseph’s arms. Her call was for:

· Repentance and reparation through the Sacrament of Confession, at least once a month.

· Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as often as we possibly can.

· Regular prayer and the consecration of sacrifices and penances to Her Immaculate Heart.

· Sunday Mass and Holy Communion.

· Contemplative Rosary recital in families.

· The unification of families and family values.

· Prayers for the clergy and respect for their ordination as clerics.

The same appeals were consistently repeated throughout all Her Apparitions. Every time Mary came, it was with Revelations of the “signs of the times”, Warnings of impending disasters, and the outcome of the world’s sinfulness. Nevertheless, reminding us of the above, to deflect or appease the impact of these outcomes. It continues to this day in Medjugorje, after 40 years!

Looking back retroactively at Her apparition at Fatima in 1917, all Her Revelations pre-empted the progressive destruction of society at all levels. The family, ecclesiastical, political, etc. Whenever our Lady provides a Warning, she provides hope, and the antidote through penance, prayer, sacrifice, and consecration to God the Father and Her Son Jesus. We are reassured of Her continuous presence and refuge through Her Immaculate Heart. The Father is never outdone in gratitude, and all our acts of adoration and mercy eventually delay the outcome and alleviate them.

There is nothing new as we persist in our errors, distance ourselves from our Faiths, and willfully approach the precipice of disaster. However, this time Heaven is closer to us than ever before, as the end is ever so near. Jesus has clearly told Vassula that disasters are imminent as we refuse to repent and change our ways, but it is never too late to avoid a third of mankind perishing in the ugliest natural catastrophes.

Vassula’s TLIG message is particularly touching because it is so real and connects to our own daily lives in our struggles, concerns, and worries. The parable of the Prodigal Son in the Bible is a reminder and a reassurance that God the Father is always waiting, the Holy Spirit inspires and assists our return, and heaven rejoices whenever a soul returns to its source.

In my continuous quest for spiritual understanding, I have arrived at several roadblocks in my life. Whenever I got complacent, I said to myself, “There must be more to Faith than just its ceremonial procedures”. Every time I was saturated in my journey, I encountered a crisis that gently nudged me down a new path reviving my Faith. I had to encounter severe depths to rise to new heights.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives…” (Matthew 7:7–8).

Thank you for reading my article.

I was instantly inspired by Vassula Ryden and TLIG’s mission.

I hope you find your inspiration.

Sharing your observations in the comment section below will be highly appreciated.


Sammy RNAJ

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Sammy RNAJ
Sammy RNAJ

Written by Sammy RNAJ

Multicultural world citizen. Liberal & free thinker. Multilingual professional freelancer. Writer, Copywriter, editor, & translator. People-centeted.

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