Sammy RNAJ
9 min readJul 17, 2024


This is a follow-up to my previous article:

Ch.1: WHAT DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT JESUS?https://medium.com/@srn.abuj/what-do-you-really-know-about-jesus-ch-1-a7a0170c0693


The archangel Gabriel’s Annunciation to Mary is clearly described in the Gospels of the New Testament. When She accepted Her role, the Holy Spirit “overshadowed” Her, and She conceived. For the Divine Word to become flesh, it had to be joined in flesh to the pre-ordained womb for 9 months. The elected Holy Womb of the Virgin was also born through an Immaculate Conception to Anne and Joachim — the “Ineffabilis Deus” dogma defined by Pope Pius IX of the Catholic Church in 1854. It was confirmed through Her at Lourdes in 1858, through a humble peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous.

Through the Immaculate Conception, Salvation came into this world for all mankind. Through Her intercession, the ministry of Salvation was initiated at Cana. She painstakingly accompanied Jesus’ ministry throughout His trajectory, His Flagellation, Crucifixion, and Resurrection, until its fulfillment at Pentecost. The Spouse of the Holy Spirit is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and Its outpouring at the end of times through Her many manifestations. She is the Mother of the Christian Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Mediatrix with Her Son, our refuge, and Consolatrix, at the hour of our need. As Saint Joseph was self-effaced, giving all glory to Mary and Jesus, likewise, Her pivotal role in achieving Salvation is guiding all believers to Jesus.

Ron Wyatt’s documentaries are available on the internet. He spent almost 2 decades of research and exploration in Israel to locate and confirm all Biblical events. Around 1982, he had discovered the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant, one believed to have been concealed at the church of Saint Mary of Zion, in Aksum, Ethiopia. Through his discovery of Zedekiah’s Cave, also referred to as Solomon’s Quarries, he discovered the Ark directly under the base of the Cross at Golgotha*

He discovered some dried blood on the seat of the Ark, where the 2-winged angels are mounted.

Scientifically, dried blood is considered dead blood, from which the DNA and lesser characteristics may be acquired, but certainly not a chromosome count. Upon the reference of a reputable laboratory in Jerusalem, and in entire discretion, he presented a sample for testing. It was confirmed to be human blood. He requested the blood be reconstituted in a saline solution and subsequently in a growth medium to revive the white blood cells. They initially resisted, claiming it would be a pointless effort since the blood was “dead”. Ron insisted and conditioned his request, that he be present for every stage of the results. The conclusion was the following:

This particular human blood contained 24 chromosomes instead of the usual 46 chromosomes (23 X-chromosomes from the mother, and 23 Y from the father). The 23 chromosomes present were from the Mother’s lineage, providing all the physical characteristics, while only 1 Y chromosome was present from a non-human male. Their response was an exclamation of disbelief: “This Blood is still alive! Whose Blood is this?” (Ron replied weeping), “This is your Messiah’s Holy Blood!” Ron’s mission was under strict government rules and guidelines which included non-disclosure.

The coincidence that Jesus was crucified directly above Zedekiah’s Cave is undoubtedly a Divine Intervention. Jesus had predicted the destruction of the Temple, which was the reason for concealing the Ark. Unknowingly, the Romans dug the hole for the Cross perpendicularly over the Ark’s Mercy Seat. It was no coincidence that the 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. The Holy number “7” represents fulfillment (of His prophecy), perfection (Divine), and fulfillment (God rested on the 7th day after the creation of the world). Jesus became the substitute for the Ark of the Old Covenant, making Him the Ark of the New Covenant for all people — the third and final Temple.

When He gave up His Spirit at around 3 p.m. on Good Friday, the sky was darkened and a terrible earthquake ensued, splitting the ground at Golgotha*. When the Roman pierced the Sacred Heart to ensure that He was dead, the last blood and fluid that gushed out, seeped through the crack in the ground and dropped upon the Mercy Seat! We know that the heavy curtain separating the Holy of Holies chamber from the altar in the Temple was simultaneously ripped from top to bottom. Both are symbolic representations of the Almighty putting an end to His Old Covenant with the Hebrews, and ushering in a New Covenant with all who follow His Son, the Anointed One. This was His final seal and confirmation that His plan for Salvation was that all humanity, the new “Israel”.

Regarding the Delivery of Jesus in the manger, Saint Anne Catherine Emmerich was blessed with many detailed visions of the various stages in Jesus’ life. In this case, it was revealed how the angels manifested to prepare and deliver the Infant Jesus in the presence of Saint Joseph, in the manger.


I am tempted to use the words of John the Beloved. If I had to elaborate further on Jesus’ life and trajectory, there would not be enough books to write about Him. Every word He uttered resonates so profoundly retroactively, in the words of the Prophets who preceded Him; in His days; and to us today, over 2 millenniums later. No one in history has impacted mankind in 3 years of mission, as Jesus has. Indeed, the Word came from God, and Jesus is certainly and mystically, the Son of God. Every Word He uttered is timeless. Thank God He came as flesh to live in all humility amongst us. Thank God for He so loved the world that He sent us His only Son for our Salvation.


In the Qur’an, finding Herself pregnant, Anne (Hannah) dedicated her unborn Child to God with the words “O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: So, accept this of me: For Thou hearest and knowest all things.”

Anne (Hannah), gave birth to a girl, and in fulfillment of her promise the Qur’an tells us She dedicated her Daughter with the words: “O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child! Allah knew best what she brought forth, “And no wiser is the male than the female. I have named her Maryam, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from the Evil One, the Rejected.

“Al-Nabi Issa”, the Prophet Jesus, is above all the prophets of God. He is the son of the most Holy Maryam. Jesus was miraculously born through the Holy Spirit and without sexual intercourse. After Her death, He returned to raise His Mother into Heaven. His father Joseph was an upright and noble man, descended from the patriarchs, and revered for his gift of prophecy. Jesus shall return as the “Mahdi Ibnu Maryam”- the Righteous Guide, son of Mariam.

to judge the living and the dead at the end of time.

- Why do Christians permit jews to interpret Jesus Teachings? This is the domain of your clerics. This is common in the West and not in the East.

- If they are not invited to do so, they probably organize seminars ….

- (Interruption) Certainly they intend to promote a particular point of view. Eastern Christians will never permit it. They are the crib of Christianity, the pillars of the Faith. They remain steadfast in their traditional Faith, despite all the persecutions they endured,

- That is true. Thanks to the Eastern Christians, Christianity spread to the West and remains vibrant today, despite predominant secularism.

- Not anymore. The jewish influence on Christianity since the 19th century is changing the narrative. Here is the clip of a podcast (on the smartphone) regarding their interpretation of Revelations to a US Christian audience by a traditional rabbi. Do you agree with his teaching?

- (I remained speechless because I disagreed).

They have capitalized on the divisions in the Christian Church to infiltrate false doctrines and mislead the faithful. The traditional Eastern Churches have remained grounded in Catholic teachings, whereas the Evangelical Churches in the West promote political and prosperity doctrines contrary to Jesus’ teachings.


Handing Jesus over to the Roman rulers by falsely accusing Him of sedition and blasphemy, was a false witness. Bearing false witness is a mortal sin — against one of the 10 Commandments. They recognized Him through the Prophets, and like all His predecessors, they rejected His message of Salvation, to preserve their power and authority which secured their wealth and control. His flagellation was to appease the rabbinic elite. His Crucifixion was for sedition. Usually, no one was subjected to both simultaneously. They ensured He would die, hoping His followers would disappear, and this popular belief, though peaceful, would come to an end.

They consistently attempted to denigrate the Christian Faith and its expansion, but they failed miserably. It grew exponentially over the past 2 millenniums. It also exposed their incitements, insurrections, and rebellions against the Roman Empire and God, bringing them Divine retribution that destroyed their Temple, their self-exile, the loss of their original language and heritage, and the loss of their archives of Holy Books and records.

Their clerics disrespectfully slander the Virgin Mary shamefully labeling Her a “prostitute”, Jesus a “bastard”, and Islam a false religion. Why do they declare that the Prophets belong to them when they consistently rejected them? It is a misrepresentation to claim superiority as a race or religion. God leans more towards the humble and lowly. They are contrary to the Christians and Muslims who respect each other and the Hebrews and remain reserved towards other Faiths. Do their arrogance and actions not diminish their credibility and claims?


* The Aramean language encompassed a large zone from Northern Mesopotamia to the Red Sea. Various regions had varying dialects. But they all understood each other very well. It was the Lingua Franca of that period.

* Golgotha is originally an Aramaic name meaning “skulls”. This Crucifixion site was on the outskirts of Jerusalem. The Hebrews will collect their dead the same day. Those who had no one to claim their bodies were left there to be preyed upon by scavenging beasts or vultures.

* Phoenicia extended as far as the northern ridges of Mount Lebanon — as far as the Cedars of God extended from the north of Arwad in current-day Syria, and as far south as Dor in Palestine.

* They are called God’s Cedars for being a unique species in the world. According to Aramaic tradition, God directed Moses to Mount Nebo to show him the allocated Land. The lush mountains and valleys captured Moses’ sight, and snow-capped peaks, further north. He dared ask God, “And further north?” God replied, “The Land of the Cedars of Lebanon belongs to Me!” Until today, Lebanese believe that they are the Chosen Ones. It is worth noting that Lebanon and its Cedars are mentioned 70 times in the Holy Bible.

* I reconfirm Jesus’ lineage to be Aramean from southern Phoenicia. By making the analogy with Paul of Tarsus from Anatolia, He was also Aramaic from modern-day Turkey, although he was a genuine Hebrew by Faith. Jesus transformed Paul’s conviction to Christianity to become His messenger to the Gentiles. He had to make him blind in his eyes, to open “the eyes” of his heart to Christianity. Only then, was his eyesight restored.

*The ancient Hebrews considered the people of Upper Galilee inferior to them because of their complexion compared to the “Boxwood Tree”, a dark color. They were considered the perfect Canaanites, tall and slim in stature, with fine limbs, long noses and ears, narrow faces, dark brown or black hair, and short dark beards.

*Joseph of Aramathea (the correct transcript) is the subject of a follow-up article. It is declared that not much is known about him. No prominent Hebrew of the time with such wealth and clout could be influential, without enough information regarding his background, and lineage.

Sammy RNAJ


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Sammy RNAJ
Sammy RNAJ

Written by Sammy RNAJ

Multicultural world citizen. Liberal & free thinker. Multilingual professional freelancer. Writer, Copywriter, editor, & translator. People-centeted.

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