Sammy RNAJ
3 min readAug 21, 2023


Your Inner Genius is your Inner Genie. I will not ask you to believe what I do not believe in. I usually test, research, and apply such theories and experiences which I am capable of proving convincingly. I only write after extensive research cutting through unnecessary vocabulary to come straight to the point — the succinct truth.

He is a ceaselessly creative genie, your loyal companion throughout life, analyzing, evaluating, sifting, storing, and discarding everything in your mind. Your mind’s governor, working solely in your interest alone.

Einstein once said that within each one of us, there exists a genius. He was referring to a natural gift or talent. This gift through Creation, is a superpower within each one of us possesses. It is innate and unique; we only have to be conscious of it to tap into it. Here’s how it works.

Starting with Einstein, we can delve into Neuroscience with the following considerations.

- We are our brains and our mind is who we are.

- Within the core of this brain, lies our superpower. It is believed to be our Pineal Gland, connected to our supernatural soul, which is in the central inner part known as the Limbic Brain.

- It incessantly coordinates with the Prefrontal Cortex, our conscious brain that orders the fight response, and our Brain Stem (reptilian) safety brain, which orders the freeze or flight response.

Your mind is your inseparable companion, your counselor, and your conscience. Recent research and science prove that he is also your healer if mindfully activated. Like it or not, he is your loyal helper in all matters and your hope.

This superpower “he” goes by the following names also:

- The inner voice.

- Intuition requires no conscious reasoning. It is through instinctive, reactionary feeling.

- Insight.

- Foresight.

- Hindsight, recollecting pertinent details at opportune moments.


- High-performer.

- Inexhaustible.

- Relentless.

- Tenacious.

- Persevering

- Result-oriented.


- Self-motivator.

- Predictor of success.

- Failure converter.

- Predictor of adversity.

- Empowering motivator.

- Objective evaluator.

- Capacity-builder.

- Growth stimulator.

- Limitations challenger.


- Self-awareness.

- Inner power.

- Self-confidence.



- Self-validation.

- Adaptation.

- Progressive re-creation.


Access methods:

- Meditation/contemplation.

- Inner locution.

- Prayer.

Every time we are lost to the passions, desires, and problems of our material world, we ignore him. Patiently providing us with a respite, he knocks at our Prefrontal Cortex on the 3d day, faithfully reminding us that we’ve all had a break, and we must return to the business of living our lives fully and responsibly, facing its endless challenges accruing daily. Reassuring us of his eternal presence to carry us through confidently.

Could it be that he is the consciousness that evolves with us and the only element that remains with us in our spiritual afterlife? That would be marvelous. We had better develop our rapport with him today, he will justify us in the afterlife and carry us through that eternal trajectory.

There is so much more to our concealed superpower that relates to the aura we radiate into this world, the vibration we emanate, the unfathomable protection in disasters, the inconceivable strength we gather from where we do not know, the energy and stamina we regenerate in achieving certain accomplishments, etc. But that is the subject of another article on another day!

The ancient Egyptians referred to it as the “Eye of Ra, or Horus”, the Hindus call it the “Third Eye”, others, the “Mind’s Eye”, the “Seat of the Soul”, or the “Holy Spirit”. What do you call it?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the pineal gland was the seat of the soul and the gateway to higher consciousness. They depicted it as a pinecone-shaped object, which they called the pinecone gland.

In both Hinduism and Buddhism, the third eye is said to be located through the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows, representing the enlightenment one achieves through meditation.

Descartes concluded that a God-given soul endows humans with intelligence and awareness, and he designated the pineal gland as the interface between the body and soul, the ‘seat of rational thought’.

Sammy RNAJ — — WhatsApp +96170499352



Sammy RNAJ
Sammy RNAJ

Written by Sammy RNAJ

Multicultural world citizen. Liberal & free thinker. Multilingual professional freelancer. Writer, Copywriter, editor, & translator. People-centeted.

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